Friday 9 January 2009

Sophie 6c

Sophie ☺

The thing I am most looking forward too the most is…

1.The Night Walk…!
2.Bunk Beds!!!! (I tax Top!)
3. Abseiling
4. Gorge walk
5. Kayaking
6. Archery
7. Cave walking
8. Midnight feasts with Sara, Amy… shhhh!.....
9. The disco!! =]

☹☺☺☹☺☹☺☹☺☹☺☹☺☹ I’ll try not to miss you to much, mum and dad! haha!


  1. Sophie - hope you really enjoyed the night walk and it wasn't too cold. The snow has almost vanished here - have fun!!! love mum and dad.
    orite sophie its matt here have fun at benmore
    your really gonna enjoy the gorge walk its so awesome
    say hi to mr H for me hope he dont annoy you to much, is the food better than mums?
    (better say no)

    good luck and have fun

  2. Hey Lil Soph! Hope everythings going well and you are not too wet and cold. Ali is missing you and he wanted to pass this message on....

    Meow meow Sophie! Meow purr meow, tuna meow and girl-cat meow. CU. LOL, Ali

    (clever Ali.....)

