Friday, 13 February 2009

The countdown begins...

This afternoon will no doubt have heard the sounds of suitcases being unpacked, washing machines groaning under the strain of many muddy clothes, kids snoring, staff snoring and many, many tales of what happened this week. Perhaps it is a good time to draw a close on what has been a fantastic week.

This week has seen an awful lot happen which the P6 team can be proud of. Each teacher witnessed children pushing themselves to the limits. Those who might be a little quieter than others still managed to get themselves to the top of the ropes course - no mean feat and one which drew on some serious reserves of resillience and courage. Pupils who might not be the most organised at times followed weekly timetables, got themselves to meeting points, wore the right equipment at the right times and managed to get it all back to the centre at the end. Teachers and pupils shared stories about what they had done, jokes were giggled over, temporary terrors talked about and friendships made.

We've often used the new Curriculum for Excellence in school but did the four capacities mean anything at Benmore? Was the P6 team actually working just as hard at camp as they would have been at school? Lets see shall we...

1/ Successful Learners - 'enthusiasm and motivation for learning' features here, amongst other things. We opened ourselves to new ideas, we pushed ourselves to new limits - the ropes course being a great example of this , we communicated dangers on gorge walks to others, sometimes we worked independently (ropes course), often we worked as a team (problem solving games).

2/ Confident Individuals - we won't list the breakdown here but my goodness did P6 develop their confidence. New skills were learned, old worries about activities moved to one side in the bid to succeed. For some even being away from home, setting tables and being organised would have been a challenge - a challenge which was met and surpassed.

3/ Responsible Citizens - 'respect for others' starts this capacity - I don't think there is anything which gives you more respect for someone than when you are standing at the top of the high ropes course, cold, wet and scared and you look down and see one of your P6 colleagues holding onto your safety rope, encouraging you to make that final leap. Responsibility was a key element to many activities, from equipment checking before hand to helping spot dangers on the other.

4/ Effective Contributors - 'Solve problems' need we say more?

So a big well done to everyone in P6, from the parents and guardians who encouraged before hand and got all the resources together, to the Benmore staff, who provided the most excellent level of tuition and encouragement to our ultimate stars, the pupils who made the week so enjoyable...Well done all of you!

...anyone for Lagganlia?!

Thursday, 12 February 2009

The hills are alive with the sound of..."No, WE got wetter!"

The good weather couldn't last and we woke to grey skies and an annoyingly persistent drizzle. Undaunted our hardy bunch went out on a variety activities regardless of the conditions...who needs Chris Ryan or that Bear Gryllis bloke here...our little lot are definitely "Tough Enough"!

Group 6 did some mountain biking and had a real ball in the cold conditions. Pupils were delighted to welcome Mrs Murray and Mrs Hogan last night...staff were pretty pleased too see them appear as well!

At the start of P6 most pupils had said that Benmore was going to be the highlight of their year and it certainly seems to be living up to expectations! One thing that is really nice to see is the encouragement given by pupils to their colleagues. We're certainly developing our skills at becoming 'Responsible Citizens' with this attitude!

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Benmore meets Hollywood - Camp isn't just Pack-a-Macks and Packed Lunches...

Usually school camp is wet clothes, wet children and wet weather but Benmore 2009 continues to surprise us! Today not one but TWO mountain biking groups followed a trail that included the grounds of a house belonging to a very popular actress. We don't want to reveal names but this skilled thespian might make a nice sideline as a 'Nanny' and she's so nice you can't help feeling anything but 'Love Actually'...answers on a postcard to:

Sadly we didn't get a glimpse of this famous lady but the
grounds made for an excellent adventure. Will and Duncan
both worked really hard in their groups. Helen L was an absolute star on the really slippy tracks. Mia, Sam, Lily, Isla, Elena and Bhuvan all worked especially hard to keep on moving and both groups can be proud of their attitude.

Winter Wonderland

Staff and instructors alike are really enjoying the company of Primary Six pupils who are a credit to their families and to the school.

Monday night's moonlit, misty nightwalk was memorably atmospheric and Jamie Stark was really helpful in calling out clear instructions to the people behind. Tuesday and Wednesday have brought clear blue skies, sunshine and powdery snow. Ideal.

Tuesday morning found Group 3 - Gaius, Lachlan, Philipp, Thomas, Jamie, Tara, Alice, Mairi Smith and Lorna Hinton -on a forest walk with their instructor Debbie and Ms Gallagher. Lorna and Gaius enjoyed cracking the thick ice in a stream and Gaius also liked stopping for hot chocolate at a specatcular viewpoint. Tara enjoyed looking down at the canoeists on a perfectly still loch and swapping sweets. Lachlan had fun doing roly polys in the snow. Thomas liked following the same nightline that secondary school pupils use but was glad that we did it in daylight. Alice and Mairi picked huge icicles and Philipp enjoyed climbing the hill and playing in the snow.

On Tuesday afternoon Ms Gallagher loved going gorge walking with Group 6 - Jordy , Will, Bhuvan, Sam, Eilidh, Mia, Lily, Isla, Helen and Elena- and was very impressed with their team work and 'have a go' attitude. Everyone in the group climbed through the 'keyhole' (a rock formation with a waterfall) and also all did the 'loony slide' at the end. Will was first through and Eilidh really enjoyed sliding down the river. Bhuvan wasn't sure he would make it through the 'keyhole' but did it with ease. Billy loved getting wet and Lily got soaked when she slipped off the balance log. Jordy was steady on his feet and enjoyed makng Elvis noises on the way up. Mia used the rope confidently to climb up the steepest part of the gorge and stayed dry until the slide. Helen had an unusual choice of gorge walking attire in the purple dress coat we discovered she was wearing underneath her Benmore waterproofs. Elena and Isla toppled on the blance log but managed to keep one foot dry each. Sam got very wet in the plunge pool at the bottom of the slide. Hot showers, tea and cake soon warmed everyone up.

Clare's elegant climbing and skilled abseiling techniques on a very steep, sheer cliff face have been much admired by her instructor. Erin also particularly enjoyed climbing and abseiling and said it was "really, really, really fun." James likes his instructor, Steven, because he is very funny and has organised snowball ambushes. Cara liked the hot chocolate Steven gave Group 8 - Cara, James, Philip, Sean, Wenbo, Daniel, John, Eva, Amy G and Katy- on the forest walk. Daniel woke up to blue skies and birthday cards this Wednesday morning. We're all delighted because we'll have tea and birthday cake at 5 o'clock.

Group 5 - Billy, Harris, Navid, Moses, Louis, Fergus P, Anna Greco, Rosie, Lauren and Hannah Davis got a tour of Benmore with their instructor Rob when they arrived and all that homework preparation paid off when it came to bed making. Fergus thinks Rob is really cool. Thea is also working with Group 5 and she organised an exciting evening activity outdoors for each class. PC Neil Sinclair and Ms Christie were on duty out in the cold for ages but were wrapped up well and are very good sports. Mrs Noble manned the tuck shop and many souvenirs and postcards will be winging their way homewards by the end of the week.

Amy Gorman and Katy were canoeing and at the end they got to to go on the ice and Katy got soaked. John thought the forest walk was great fun and enjoyed clambering through wet tunnels. Anis was biking and held her bike still for a ten second balance challenge in the forest. Harris said the gorge walk was really icey and that made it more fun because it was slippy. Martin, Maciej and Oshioke built a snowman half way up the forest walk.

Callum Lennie really enjoyed abseiling with Mrs Noble and "walking backwards sideways". He is in Group 1 with Duncan, Kai, Ben JH, Natasha, Erin, Captiva and Edie. They have also been orienteering and are gorge walking and biking today with Ms Christie.

Mattie (in Group 2 with Vanya, Callum E, Lewis Ma, Anna Scally, Rosa, Sara J, Abbie, Rebecca and Clare) enjoyed making an igloo while he was waiting to abseil and afterwards got to smash it. Maddy B went on the forest walk and at the end she jumped in a waterfall and her wellies filled up with water.

Ellen was on the high ropes course and said it was fun but very scary. Mr Hewitt has taken some stunning photographs and used a special lens to take close ups of the 'leap of faith'. Ellen is in Group 7 with Jamie Scott, Santiago, Fergus C, Kartik, Caitlin H, Rose, Holly, Amy M and Richi and today they are going to be caving and climbing and abseiling. Busy Wednesday!

Rosie liked getting stuck in the mud and puddles on her bike. Leona got very cold jumping in waterfalls on the forest walk but really liked it and also enjoyed taking her bike round an obstacle course in the woods. Rebecca shines at map reading in orienteering and Eilidh had the quickest time in her group's orienteering session. Louis had four lives on the gorge walk and only lost two. He was partnered with Moses. Navid was also gorge walking and got soaked when he slipped off a log.

Maddy Kay went 'skating' on a frozen pond. She is in Group 4 with Cameron, Matthew, Callum H, Tom, Mairi T, Caitlin S, Amy W,Jessica and Ben P. They got the chance to go caneoing with Ms Christie and have been on the ropes course with Mr Howie. Today they are gorge walking with PC Sinclair and orienteering.

One of the quietest dorms is the one next door to Mr Howie and he is delighted with Kai, Lewis, Ben JH and Calum E. Mrs Noble is also really pleased with the boys in the Tower and Billy, Will, Jordy and Harris have been incredibly neat, tidy and quiet. All the Primary Sixes have been extremely well behaved and have settled and slept very well. Likely to be lots of very sleepy heads in bunk beds by the end of tomorrow after the disco though.

The programme might change depending on the weather but so far the plan for Thursday is:

Gp 1 Forest Walk and Optional
Gp 2 Bike and Forest
Gp 3 Gorge and Bike
Gp 4 Bike and Forest
Gp 5 Climb/abseil and Orienteer
Gp 6 Optional and Climb/Abseil
Gp 7 Orienteer and Gorge
Gp 8 Gorge and Bike
Gp 9 Orienteer and Gorge
(Optional is negotiated with the group and instructor together)

And the winner of the 'Most trusting pupil in p6' is...

Maddy K for doing the highest part of the high ropes course...with Mr Howie holding onto her safety rope...
Such bravery should not go unmentioned...

And the winner of the 'You wouldn't expect a P6 boy to say THIS' award is...

Well, it would be unfair to mention the name of the young gentleman in P6c who was heard saying "Oooooh nooooo who put this mud here, (whilst looking at a very very small piece of dried mud) I've just hoovered". So no names mentioned then huh Kai...

And our winner for 'most atmospheric morning shot at Benmore is...'

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

It is a beautiful day!

Well, here we are on day two at Benmore and the place is looking fabulous! Behaviour last night was excellent (and that was just the staff!)

The night walk went really well and was great at building team spirit. Group members really needed to help each other and everyone improved their communication and listening skills. There was just enough time for a quick shower before getting into bed, as lights out was at ten o'clock. Most dorms were very quiet pretty soon after.

8am saw our bleary eyed bunch (again this mainly refers to the staff) rise in time for breakfast at 8.30. All the teachers have been really impressed by the way people have settled down at meal times. Food was enjoyed and stories shared.

Each dorm then headed back to their rooms to start work on their tidying-up jobs...this wasn't too bad but let's just say there is room for improvement!
Group 9 went on a mountain bike trail around the Botanic gardens. Conditions were crisp, but icy, and this certainly kept the team on their toes. Group 1 was off abseiling (accompanied by a brave Mrs Noble) and other groups went off canoeing, climbing and walking through the forests. Expect a full report on the day's activities later this evening! (Isn't this exciting!)

Photographs are proving hard to get online because of the connection but staff are taking ones which will be shared at a later date.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Yey! We have internet...just!

Welcome to our first, and probably longest, blog from Benmore. Everyone would agree that the place has a really magical look to it. Mr Howie caught up with pupils from 6a and 6c this evening. Stay tuned for some words from our lovable P6b pupils tomorrow!

Group 1

Edie's group is going to be orienteering, abseiling and rock climbing tomorrow. "I'm looking forward to abseiling because I've never done it before". Captiva thinks that orienteering will be really fun because she's heard its great!

Group 2

Sara - we went for an explore into the forest. We went up a mini-waterfall. Vanya and Calum liked the day's activities. They were very challenging because of the mud. Anna is looking forward to the gorge walk the most. This group might be doing this on Wednesday. Abbie is really excited about the gorge walk because "it looks fun".

Group 3 Tara, Alice and Lachlan were all in group three. Lachlan said that the group went tunnelling under bridges. Alice enjoyed exploring around the centre. Tara really liked the snowball fight..."it wasn't really a fight, it was just some fun" she said! Mhari is looking forward to the gorge walk because she gets to walk UP a waterfall!

Group 4 - We went on a walk around the forest. There was a mini gorge walk and we had race through some tunnels. Ben enjoyed winning the tunnel race. Caitlin S enjoyed going through the tunnel that had all the water in it. Matthew really enjoyed the snowball fight. Tom also enjoyed playing in the snow and "I really enjoyed pushing over a huge old snowman". Callum is looking forward to canoeing and biking and is REALLY looking forward to abseiling and caving...seems like this young man will have a great week! Jessica is excited about abseiling because "I'm not scared of heights!".

Group 5

Louis said "My group had to get ourselves organised first". The team had to go to the drying room to get kitted out. We had a walk and a great snowball fight. When they came in we got tea and cake! Hannah is really looking forward gorge walking. This team will be doing this tomorrow...and theres STILL lots of snow around!

Group 6 - "We went for a walk and ended up going through a stream". Helen liked going into the stream - "it was all wet and there was a bit where you had to jump - some people slid on their bottoms but I managed it". Elena enjoyed the snowfight. She also slid about and pretended to make animal marks. There were lots of different animal trails in the snow. We saw deer trails and rabbit trails. Isla also liked the snowball fight because "we got soaked!". Bhuvan is excited about gorge walking and the night walk. Sam wants to do the nightwalk because "its dark and you don't know what you want to do!".

Group 7

This group also explored the grounds around the centre. Rose liked it when they had a huge snowball fight. Amy enjoyed walking up the mini-gorge and she's really going to enjoy the nightwalk. Santiago liked when another group "ambushed us and started throwing snowballs!". Caitlin H liked crawling through tunnels and getting wet - "It was the best!". Holly loved climbing up the river and getting really wet.
Kartik, who has never been in snow, said "it was really fun!". James is excited about gorge walking and the climbing and abseiling day. "I like to climb and I want to try abseiling" he said. Rishi was looking forward to the night walk "You can't see and you can have a lot of fun!"

PC Sinclair enjoyed the ferry!

Group 8 Philip talked about what his group needed to do to get organised. "First we had to get the right sized jackets and trousers and then we had to get some boots." He liked when his group spied on other groups. "Our group leader knew how to spy on them and surprise them".

Group 9

Lorna loved "jumping in very muddy puddles". Sophie was looking forward to trying out the ropes course. Maciej is really excited about the ropes course because "Its the best!"

Off to Benmore-Hooray!

Everyone got away safe and happy, very excited to be going!

The Ferry trip was lovely with great views across the water to Dunoon. A short trip on land to the Benmore Botanic Gardens, everyone cheered when they saw the house.

Afternoon activities waited after we had had a warm drink.