Friday, 13 February 2009

The countdown begins...

This afternoon will no doubt have heard the sounds of suitcases being unpacked, washing machines groaning under the strain of many muddy clothes, kids snoring, staff snoring and many, many tales of what happened this week. Perhaps it is a good time to draw a close on what has been a fantastic week.

This week has seen an awful lot happen which the P6 team can be proud of. Each teacher witnessed children pushing themselves to the limits. Those who might be a little quieter than others still managed to get themselves to the top of the ropes course - no mean feat and one which drew on some serious reserves of resillience and courage. Pupils who might not be the most organised at times followed weekly timetables, got themselves to meeting points, wore the right equipment at the right times and managed to get it all back to the centre at the end. Teachers and pupils shared stories about what they had done, jokes were giggled over, temporary terrors talked about and friendships made.

We've often used the new Curriculum for Excellence in school but did the four capacities mean anything at Benmore? Was the P6 team actually working just as hard at camp as they would have been at school? Lets see shall we...

1/ Successful Learners - 'enthusiasm and motivation for learning' features here, amongst other things. We opened ourselves to new ideas, we pushed ourselves to new limits - the ropes course being a great example of this , we communicated dangers on gorge walks to others, sometimes we worked independently (ropes course), often we worked as a team (problem solving games).

2/ Confident Individuals - we won't list the breakdown here but my goodness did P6 develop their confidence. New skills were learned, old worries about activities moved to one side in the bid to succeed. For some even being away from home, setting tables and being organised would have been a challenge - a challenge which was met and surpassed.

3/ Responsible Citizens - 'respect for others' starts this capacity - I don't think there is anything which gives you more respect for someone than when you are standing at the top of the high ropes course, cold, wet and scared and you look down and see one of your P6 colleagues holding onto your safety rope, encouraging you to make that final leap. Responsibility was a key element to many activities, from equipment checking before hand to helping spot dangers on the other.

4/ Effective Contributors - 'Solve problems' need we say more?

So a big well done to everyone in P6, from the parents and guardians who encouraged before hand and got all the resources together, to the Benmore staff, who provided the most excellent level of tuition and encouragement to our ultimate stars, the pupils who made the week so enjoyable...Well done all of you!

...anyone for Lagganlia?!

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